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Common Cocklebur leaves

SKU: FL85193

45,00 UAH225,00 UAH

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Useful properties

Due to its high iodine content, Cocklebur is primarily used as an effective remedy for normalizing thyroid function. It is prescribed in case of decreased thyroid function (hypothyroidism), as well as in case of nodular goiter, cysts.

The alkaloids in Cocklebur herb help in combating cancers of the lungs, larynx, thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, as well as pulmonary tuberculosis.

Cocklebur herb has astringent and strong antiseptic properties, and its infusions are used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, and intestinal infections.

The anticonvulsant properties of Cocklebur preparations are used in the treatment of paralysis and spastic conditions. Cocklebur infusion promotes the relaxation of smooth muscles, is used to relieve asthma attacks, and to reduce seizures.

Due to its anti-inflammatory, calming, and pain-relieving properties, Cocklebur is included in treatment complexes for rheumatism, arthritis, bladder inflammation, and acute viral infectious diseases. The infusion has an antipyretic and diaphoretic effect, enhancing the effectiveness of the fight against infection.


Infusion: 2 teaspoon. plants in 250 ml of boiling water. Allow the product to infuse for 2 hours. Strain the infusion. The resulting product is recommended to be taken for impotence 125 ml 2 times a day before meals.

Broth: 1 tablespoon. of dry leaves per 250 ml of water, cook the product for 15 minutes over low heat. Strain the broth. Let the remedy steep for an hour.

This decoction improves intestinal function. It is recommended to drink 1 tablespoon. 3 times a day. The broth can also be used externally for skin diseases. Soak the gauze in the liquid and apply it to the affected area on the body.

Tincture: 2 tablespoon. plants per 500 ml of vodka. Put the container with the product in a dark and cool place for 10 days. Filter the tincture. Alcohol tincture is used to treat thyroid diseases. Add 0.5 teaspoon of this remedy to 125 ml of boiled milk or hot water and take the resulting mixture 3 times a day before meals.


  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Chronic constipation;
  • The plant is poisonous, and it is essential to strictly adhere to the dosage. Before external use, it is necessary to conduct a test on the elbow bend by moistening a small area of skin with the decoction.