Meadowsweet Root (Filipendula ulmaria)
120,00 UAH – 300,00 UAH
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Healing properties
Meadowsweet root has a strong astringent effect. It stimulates appetite, eases the course of gastric ulcers, and treats constipation. It cleanses the body well – from excess fluid (providing diuretic and diaphoretic effects), from toxins (increasing diuresis and removing decay products) and parasites (helminths).
An alcohol tincture of meadowsweet promotes wound disinfection, accelerates blood clotting in case of skin injuries, and, unlike the aerial parts of the plant, is effective for internal bleeding, including hemorrhoidal bleeding. As a lotion, it helps with inflammation of the trigeminal and facial nerves.
Water decoctions and infusions help with gout, rheumatism, and arthritis by washing out excess salts; with edema and dropsy by eliminating excess fluid.
In case of gynecological problems, it is used as a douching agent during the period, infertility and colpitis.
Method of application
Decoction for oral administration: Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed root with 2 cups of hot water, boil in a closed enamel bowl in a water bath for 30 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth and add the volume to the original. Take 1 spoon 3 times a day before meals. A decoction of meadowsweet root is an indispensable remedy for any cold.
Decoction for external use: 1 tablespoon of roots per 1 liter of water, boil in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, leave for 15-20 minutes and strain. Use warm for douching, vaginal tampons, therapeutic microenemas, as well as for washing wounds, ulcers, boils.
Tincture for oral administration: 100 g of the root per 500 ml of 40% alcohol. Insist for 3 weeks, strain. Take 20 drops per 100 ml of water 3 times a day before meals. The tincture is used for psoriasis, hepatitis, diabetes, edema of various origins, cancer of various localizations. The meadowsweet tincture is especially recommended for kidney, bladder, uterus, and ovarian cancer.
When used in the correct dosage, meadowsweet is safe. However, for those with hypotension, it should be used in short courses, as meadowsweet preparations can lower blood pressure. Due to its astringent effect, the use of meadowsweet preparations should be limited in cases of constipation. Considering the pronounced diaphoretic effect of a meadowsweet decoction, it should not be used immediately before going outside in cold weather.