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SKU: FL33516

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The plant has potential health benefits.

They are due to the composition: alkaloids; flavonoids (quinqueloside, rutin, quercetin and others); saponins; tannins; essential oil (up to 0.05%); organic acids (malic, tartaric, citric, ursolic, vanillic, p-turmeric); vitamins (A, E, C); mineral salts (potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur). By the nature of the effect on the human body, motherwort herb is close to valerian preparations. It contains the alkaloid leonurine. It benefits as an anti-inflammatory component and has a mild analgesic effect. Other substances in the composition of motherwort have an antispasmodic effect.

Useful properties

  • Lowers heart rate and blood pressure.
  • It slows down and stabilizes the heart rate, enhances myocardial contraction and strengthens it.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Relieves spasms in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular with spasms, intestinal neurosis, flatulence.
  • Normalizes protein metabolism and removes excess fats (cholesterol).
  • It has a sedative effect and soothes neuroses, neurasthenia, insomnia.
  • Normalizes irregular menstrual cycle, helps relieve soreness during menstruation.
  • Improves the condition of the skin and hair.
  • Fights blackheads and pimples, tightens pores, removes oily sheen.
  • Strengthens and nourishes hair, stimulates its growth.

Due to a number of useful properties, motherwort is used to treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels, stomach and intestines, nervous disorders and sleep disorders. The herb has a tonic effect, helps to get rid of coughs and colds. However, motherwort can have side effects, so it requires proper and reasonable use.

Method of application

Infusion: 2 tbsp. tablespoon. herbs, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes. Take in 3-4 doses a day, half a glass.


  • reduced pressure;
  • period of pregnancy, lactation.
  • You should not take motherwort if the work is associated with high concentration, as it causes drowsiness.