Red clover flowers (meadow)
55,00 UAH – 550,00 UAH
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Useful properties
Among the abundance of valuable properties, there are:
- relieving inflammatory processes;
- reduction of elevated body temperature;
- hemostatic property;
- antifungal property;
- cleansing of the lymphatic system;
- toning the body as a whole;
- choleretic property;
- eliminates cough.
White clover is used in the following cases:
- to prevent and increase the protective functions of the body;
- as a means to lower cholesterol levels and as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis;
- in the gynecological field, it is effective for such problems as: irregular menstruation cycle, inflammatory processes in the appendages, PMS, negative symptoms of menopause;
- in the vascular system, clover helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, restores their elasticity and is an effective remedy for angina pectoris;
- for men, clover is useful because it helps to restore potency;
- treats a variety of skin ailments – eczema, burns, psoriasis, purulent wounds, chronic skin diseases;
- for the gastrointestinal tract it is used as an astringent;
- useful for thrombosis – thins the blood;
- It is widely used to treat ailments of the respiratory tract, oral cavity, and lungs.
Method of application
For the treatment of anemia, hypertension, angina pectoris, obesity, bronchitis, healing tea is prepared from clover grass. To brew it, 1 tbsp. l. tsp. Clover is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes, honey is added for sweetness. For strengthening, one mug of tea a day is enough, during a cold you can drink up to 5 servings of the drink.
Clover tincture will help cleanse blood vessels of toxins, increase their strength, elasticity, and remove cholesterol from the body. 2 tbsp. Clover herbs are poured into a thermos of 1 boiling water, insist for at least 2 hours. The finished product is taken in 2 tbsp. before meals. The course is 3 weeks.
To prepare an alcohol tincture, you will need a 1 liter jar. The container is filled to half with dry grass, after which it should be filled to the top with vodka or alcohol. The period of infusion is 3 weeks, while the composition must be shaken regularly.
For any skin problems, a weak decoction of clover will help. on 3 tbsp. Herbs take 2 cup hot water, boil and simmer for 15 minutes. After cooling, the product can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days. With this decoction, you can make face masks, lotions, and the composition is also recommended to be used as a hair rinse.
- Have recently had a heart attack or stroke;
- Chronic diarrhea and gastrointestinal diseases;
- Low blood clotting;
- Predisposition to allergies.