12 reasons to drink Ivan tea

Ivan tea is the most useful, unparalleled in terms of microelements, and the most popular tea in the world.
Fireweed (narrow-leaved) is a caffeine-free drink that contains minerals and vitamins. Its composition includes about 70 trace elements, 16 amino acids, and various B vitamins. It has five times more vitamin C than an ordinary lemon. It contains useful nutrients: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, lithium, and others.

12 useful properties of Ivan tea
- Ivan tea does not contain caffeine.
- It has been scientifically proven that Ivan tea has the highest anti-inflammatory index among well-known plants due to its very rich content of flavonoids, tannins, carotenoids, vitamin C, organic acids, triterpenoids, etc;
- It energizes, rejuvenates the body, reduces fatigue and increases endurance, promoting peace of mind and sound sleep;
- Strengthen the immune system and stimulate blood cell renewal;
- Ivan tea improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes, helps to cope with dysbiosis and get rid of unpleasant sensations in the abdomen.
- It helps to cleanse the body, restore acid-base balance, and eliminate excess salt deposits;
- Supports the kidneys and urethra;
- Relieves migraines and tension headaches;
- Ivan tea improves skin condition. It helps relieve the effects of allergies, fights free radicals, stimulates collagen synthesis, heals wounds, and nourishes the skin with useful elements.
- It has a detoxifying effect in case of food or alcohol poisoning.
- Ivan tea improves lactation and can be drunk by pregnant women. It’s also good for kids.
- Ivan tea is a great helper for men’s health. It is called “man’s grass”.
- A large number of useful microelements and substances open up wide possibilities for the use of willow tea: In the treatment of external inflammatory processes, wounds and postoperative sutures – as compresses, lotions and disinfectants;
- In case of anemia and vitamin deficiencies – as an additional source of iron and vitamin C;
- In case of fatigue, stress and depression – as a sedative and calming medicine;
- For the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, as an antithrombotic agent;
- In case of acute respiratory infections, colds and sore throats – as an antiseptic and bactericidal gargle or decoction for oral administration;
- Dried willow tea leaves are added to the steamer in the bathhouse as a slag-removing agent;
- Application in cosmetics with John’s wort for women – as an active, tightening and rejuvenating agent in masks, creams, bath bombs, etc.
Ivan tea is very useful for men. A decoction of this plant is used as a prophylactic or medicinal remedy for prostatitis. Similarly, the active substances contained in gooseberry stop the pathological conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which reduces the risk of adenoma and prostate cancer.
Decoctions of willow tea are also useful for women with prolonged and very painful menstruation. Also, due to its high vitamin C content, fireweed infusion makes the uterine walls elastic, which is one of the main goals of infertility therapy.