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Woolly Aerva

SKU: FL75252

55,00 UAH110,00 UAH

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Medicinal properties:

Aerva herb is the best remedy for sand and stones in the urinary and gallbladder. For her unique ability to grind, dissolve and remove them from the body, she is often referred to as the “surgeon without a scalpel”.

Herbal remedies of this herb successfully treat atherosclerosis and prostatitis, polyarthritis and pancreas, strengthen the immune system and normalize the digestive tract, normalize blood pressure and metabolism.

Taking the herb aerva helps relieve inflammation in the urinary tract, lower sugar levels, cure a diseased liver, eliminate gastritis and stomach ulcers.

The diuretic effect of the herb aerva has one important feature: it does not cause severe dehydration, from which the body suffers greatly. Erva successfully “works” not only on uric acid, but also on urea and chlorides. Thanks to this, it can be used for cystitis and urethritis, gout and pyelonephritis.

It should be noted the antitumor effect of this herb, which helps to get rid of fibroids and polyps.

Aerva woolly is used in the complex therapy of arthritis and osteochondrosis. With its help, you can eliminate the risk of thrombosis and thereby get rid of the prospect of stroke and heart attack.

Anyone who wants to improve memory and calm the nerves will not be mistaken if they choose this plant as a remedy.

A powerful healing effect from the use of aerva woolly is manifested in the improvement of the functioning of internal organs, but is observed visually in the restoration of a healthy complexion, cleansing the skin of boils, acne and rashes.

Method of preparation and application

Decoction for oral administration (for tumors, polyps, fibroids, diabetes, gastritis): 1 teaspoon of erva, pour 1 glass of water and heat in a water bath, stirring for 15 minutes. After cooling and filtering, the rest of the herb is squeezed into a decoction and its volume is brought to the original (200 ml).

Drink the broth warm for 1/4 cup half an hour before meals three times a day. Before taking, the infusion must be shaken. The course of treatment lasts from 2 weeks to 1 month. Then you need to take a break for 6 months and repeat the course.

Infusion of aerva to strengthen the nervous system and improve memory: brew 1 tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and infuse in a thermos for 2 hours, strain.

With furunculosis and acne, it is useful to drink this decoction and make lotions from the squeezed herb.


  • hypersensitivity to grass;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • diseases that are accompanied by increased leaching of calcium;
  • pregnancy, lactation.